2017到歐洲壯遊4個月,帶著小提琴在13個國家26個城市中遊走、表演 :) 影片攝於 2017.10.17 I was traveling with my violin in Europe for 4 months, and busking all the way from the Netherl2017到歐洲壯遊4個月,帶著小提琴在13個國家26個城市中遊走、表演 :) 影片攝於 2017.10.17 I was traveling with my violin in Europe for 4 months, and busking all the way from the Netherl2017到歐洲壯遊4個月,帶著小提琴在13個國家26個城市中遊走、表演 :) 影片攝於 2017.10.17 I was traveling with my violin in Europe for 4 months, and busking all the way from the Netherl