同心圓渲染皂DIY - concentric circles swirl handmade soap with fresh cut bamboo - 手工皂

同心圓渲染皂DIY - concentric circles swirl handmade soap with fresh cut bamboo - 手工皂
為了上個月的比賽回去阿嬤家切了些竹子,剩下的竹筒順便打一鍋同心圓渲染,只要依序倒入皂液就可以創造出可愛的同心圓囉! I cut some bamboo for the September soap challenge club, and I make this batch with the bamb為了上個月的比賽回去阿嬤家切了些竹子,剩下的竹筒順便打一鍋同心圓渲染,只要依序倒入皂液就可以創造出可愛的同心圓囉! I cut some bamboo for the September soap challenge club, and I make this batch with the bamb為了上個月的比賽回去阿嬤家切了些竹子,剩下的竹筒順便打一鍋同心圓渲染,只要依序倒入皂液就可以創造出可愛的同心圓囉! I cut some bamboo for the September soap challenge club, and I make this batch with the bamb